Howard Moon Lamp

€109 Sale

The Howard Moon Lamp merges enchantment with functionality, crafting the ideal night light for your child's bedroom.

Shaped like a gentle elephant cradling a luminous moon, this lamp adds a whimsical touch to any sleep space, inspiring wonder and tranquility.

Available in two delightful color options — light brown and raspberry — the Howard Moon Lamp seamlessly blends into your child's decor, adding a charming accent to their nighttime routine.

Designed with your little one in mind, this lamp serves as more than just a source of light; it becomes a comforting companion as they drift off to sleep. Let the gentle glow of the moonlight soothe their imagination and guide them through the night, providing a sense of security and warmth.

Material: Flocking Resin, Metal & ABS
Size: 26.5x16x19 cm / 10.2"x6.3"x7.5"